I’m Megan and I support mamas in strengthening the connection to their deepest selves.

You’re doing your best. I know it often doesn’t feel like enough. You feel trapped, and unseen, and unfulfilled.

You’re seeking the right answer, the right response, the right way.

You’re struggling to be present, to truly see yourself and those you love, to honor life’s ups and downs.

I see you beating yourself up, speaking to yourself in unkind words, saying things you would never say to a dear friend.

I see you. I am you. And we’re in this together.

There’s a word for what you’re experiencing – Matrescence.

Matrescence, in its most basic definition, is used describe the transition a woman goes through as she becomes a mother.

But it’s so much more than that definition can encompass. It begins the moment you choose to bring a child into this world and ends never.

It is the cracking open you experience.

The endless list of questions. The undeniable knowing.

The tears streaming down your face. The infinite love.

The dizzying confusion. The blinding joy.

The loss of self. The discovery anew.

Your unique inner experience and the outer shared experience.

And through it all, you are never alone.

maisola defined

I founded Maisola as a vehicle to support mothers and foster a unique community. Maisola comes from the Italian mai sola meaning never alone.

Deep within you lie the answers you seek, the peace you long for, the flow you crave. Through a gentle, intuition-led process you can embrace the person you were always meant to be.

This work is powerful for all mamas.

Do any of these sound like you?

You are just beginning the journey into motherhood, starting to explore the idea of growing your family, or newly pregnant with your first little one. There are a lot of unknowns, and you want to feel as prepared as possible for what’s to come.

You are a newer mama, learning how to take care of a newborn or toddler and yourself - and the learning curve is steep! There are an endless number of experts telling you how to do it “right”. You long to quiet the noise and know what’s right for you and your family.

Your kids are out of the littles phase and you’re doing your best to navigate the constant change and seemingly never-ending chaos. You wish you could be present and enjoy the moment more often, instead of projecting into the future or feeling guilty about the past.

Motherhood is one of the loudest and most judgmental spaces out there. This work brings you back to yourself — to the wisdom within.

from the depths
of darkness

to inner peace and knowing

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